Portfolio Categories own works

01 April 2020

Unsplitting – collaboration with Young In Hong

Un-Splitting (2019) Young In Hong, Stephanie Scheubeck, Fifteen Participants Location: Lobby and Corridor (1F) at the MMCA, Seoul (KOR) Schedule: 11/10/2019   5.30 – 6.00 pm 02/11/2019   3 – 3.30 pm 28/11/2019   1 – 1.30 pm 22/02/2020   3pm – 3 30pm Splitting, in psychology, is a symptom of Borderline Personality Disorder, defined as polarisation […]

28 February 2020

Auszug – collaboration Hans Wagenmann

Wann wäre auszug das Hinterlassen eines Bildes? Sehen Bilder? Gibt es im Verlust etwas nicht zu Ende führen zu können Hoffnung, den Beginn anderer Namen, anderer Erde? Eine performative Videoinstallation in Zusammenarbeit mit Stephanie Scheubeck. Diese Soloperformance fußt in einer ästhetischen Perspektive, die sich einem ersten Verstehen entzieht. Sie begreift sich vielmehr als bewegte Form […]

28 February 2020

I am sea – audio-visual research

I am sea I am air I am wind I am tree In resonance with the surrounding. Tuning into another beings movement and emotion. Kinaesthetic empathy. Immersed in sensorial stimuli. Moving coloured textures. Synaesthesia. Resonances permeating the body, matter. I am sea is a research as well as an audio-visual and documentary approach to the […]

28 January 2020

Colours on the surface of my body in motion: The relationship between synaesthesia and dance improvisation – article

I published an article in the Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices (Intellect Publishers) on my research into the relationship between synaesthesia and dance improvisation: Colours on the surface of my body in motion: The relationship between synaesthesia and dance improvisation Author: Scheubeck, Stephanie Source: Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices, Volume 11, Number 1, 1 […]

13 June 2018

Sound & Colour Production

Sound & Colour Production  (deutsche Version unten) Music opens a space full of colours, textures and shapes, the number four is orange and the touch of velvet tastes like nutmeg. Sound & Colour Production explores the fascinating phenomenon of synaesthesia, where the stimulation of one sense or concept simultaneously and involuntarily triggers a second sense or concept. There are more than […]

03 February 2018

murmurations – audio-visual installation

Murmurations is a durational audio-visual installation which explores the concept of ’flocking and swarming’ by the means of dance, camera and sound through a somatic approach. The physical movements of the dancers modulate light which is captured through the lens of the camera. Depending on its movement, its density or expansion in space, the flock […]

01 September 2017

LUCIDITY – digital performance

Lucidity offers insight into synaesthesia – a fascinating phenomenon where the trigger of one sense simultaneously triggers another. Live on stage, two artists interweave continuously transforming waves of sound, movement, colour and light into immersive layerings of sensory stimuli. Based on research into and the creator’s personal experience of synaesthesia, Lucidity promotes it as an […]

04 August 2017

At the Vanishing Point – audio-visual installation

‘At the Vanishing Point’ explores embodiment, intimacy, the natural and abstraction. In this spatially arranged installation, a soundscape and a screen dance film melt into an immersive synaesthetic experience. During the creation, two physical sites were investigated through a somatic approach: a human body and Porthleven, a Cornish town with its natural surroundings. The installation […]

31 July 2017

Not Just …

What happens in the space of the ‘Not Just,’ where a woman is not just the object of our perceptions nor the manifestation of her own, not just a synesthete or a spine in contact with a chair, where documentaries are not just documentaries and screendances, not just screendances? click here to watch the film […]

12 July 2017

spectra – screendance film

‘spectra’ gives insight into synaesthesia, a fascinating phenomenon where the trigger of one sense simultaneously and involuntarily triggers a second sense: music opens a space full of colours, the number four is orange and the touch of velvet tastes like nutmeg. ‘spectra’ evolves around the individual processing of information received by the senses and celebrates […]

21 November 2015

AION – screen dance production

Aion In the medical context Aion was a name for the spinal cord (as the lifeblood) […] Heraclitus says: “Aion is a boy who plays the board pieces back and forth continously. A boy owns the kingdom” With the game here is meant the succession of cyclical periods (days, seasons, world age). The game ends, […]

21 November 2015

HUMAN ZONE – site specific performance

Bewegung durch die Stadt, sie halten inne, verharren, verschmelzen mit der Architektur. Ein Impuls und alle bewegen sich weiter, eine fliegende Herde durch die betonerne Struktur. „Human Zone“ irritiert unsere Alltagswelt. Vermeintliche Normen und Grenzen werden aufgehoben. An die Stelle von gesellschaftlichen Ästhetikvorstellungen tritt der natürliche Bewegungsinstinkt. Unter Einbeziehung animalischer Bewegungs- und Verhaltensprinzipen setzt sich […]

21 November 2015

DRAGONFLY – solo performance

Ein Wesen, gefallen aus dem, was schützt, was Sicherheit und Geborgenheit gibt. Frisch geschlüpft, neu, verletzlich, verwundbar. Und in diesem Neusein voller Kraft und Schönheit. Doch was kommt nach dem Fall? Was, wenn nicht gleich neuer Boden da ist, keine eigenen Füße, es in der Schwebe bleibt? “Dragonfly – In der Schwebe” geht ein auf […]

21 November 2015

DAWN – multi disciplinary performance

Hell – Dunkel – Zwielicht. Schatten, etwas huscht vorbei. – – Grell – – – Gleißendes Licht, der Vogel fliegt. Ob sie ihn berühren kann? Das leblose Tier hängt im Maul seines Kumpanen. Pfoten und Flügel … Morgengrauen Vier Musiker und zwei Tänzerinnen setzen sich ausgehend von Fabelwesen und deren Magie mit ureigenen Themen wie Sehnsucht, Zerstörung, […]

05 November 2015

Critsztina – solo performance
