Dance, imagery, sound, drawing and painting enrich one another in a creative exchange. Through somatic movement practice we tune into our sensory perception. Music stimulates vivid images, which we make tangible in creative drawings and paintings. In vibrant dance improvisations we translate the pictures and drawings into movement. A lively, attentive and respectful exchange on […]
’Synaesthesia in Motion – A Sound & Colour Production Workshop’ took place during the first SPA Week at Bath Spa University (UK) in November 2018. ’Launching on Monday 5 November is our very first SPA Week – which stands for ‘Special Projects and Activities’ Week – this will be a series of pop-up projects and activities run […]
Workshop Description – English (Deutsche Version s.u.) This multi-art form workshop centers around synaesthesia, a fascinating phenomenon where the senses blend. Dance, imagery, sound, drawing and painting enrich one another in a creative exchange. Through somatic movement we tune into our sensory perception. Music stimulates vivid imagery. Through creative drawings and paintings we make the imagery […]
Since autumn 2017, I am working as an associate lecturer on the BA and MA Dance programme me at Bath Spa University (UK). I am pleased to deliver workshops and research labs as well as lectures at this vibrant, creative institution with its modern facitlites.
GOING DEEP is a research training open for people interested in exploring the relationship between the senses and the body in performance. In GOING DEEP we travel between doing little -which can be big- to doing a lot -what can be subtle. Through conscious breathing, hands-on practice and guided movement exploration (informed by methods such as Qi Gong, Yoga, Thai […]